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Anita Czoch is a singer, songwriter and writer from Sydney, Australia.  Her voice emanates a unique balance of delicacy and power that holds all in a divine, heavenly quality that connects one more deeply to the natural multidimensionality within. 

Originating from Poland, Anita came to Australia as a child.  After exploring the contemporary music scene Anita began training in classical music, offering her sound a uniquely rich quality. Anita makes music that is beautifully stilling, atmospheric, jazz infused, trip-hop and baroque pop inspired, all blended with an alternative rock sound. 

Anita has discovered that life offers us all a journey of inner unfoldment, one that is ever-deepening and without end. There are depths within that we are called to surrender to, as there are false ideals and beliefs that we are called to uncover and discard. The rewards of embracing such a life are truly priceless…

In the last few years Anita has come to understand the energetic responsibility of producing music and the difference between music that is from Soul and music that is not from Soul. That is why she now ensures that she sources her songs from the depths of heaven that she knows that she is, so that others are reminded of the fact that they too are heaven. 

I AM THE LION is the product of a great transformation. Anita, like many other artists, had in the past written songs that came from the wellspring of hurts that had dwelt within her, colouring her understanding of herself, others and the world. As she began to finally and fully heal these, she began to compose an album that came from the depths of the Soul that she had discovered herself to be underneath the hurts. No longer did she have to reference the hurts for inspiration. She could reference the magnificence and wisdom of what she was connecting to inside. 


So this album is not an album that feeds the continuation of hurts, nor is it a ‘feel good’ album that will allow us to check out into euphoric emotions that will ultimately drain us. Rather, it is an album that will vibrationally open you to resonate aurally with a woman who has genuinely connected to the multidimensionality of Soul and is expressing from that light. You are then invited to energetically resonate with her as the Soul that you equally are too.

Anita’s approach to making music is done in Co-creation with Soul.  Initially provided with words or a melody, be it in a dream, as she is sitting at the piano or when she is in a place of deep inner stillness, the lyrics or the music is delivered to her. If she allows herself to feel into what is given then the rest unfolds organically, as if she had received a blueprint from her Soul that her body then manifests into physical form - which is in-truth, what happens.

In a world where everything is energy, I AM THE LION offers vibrational healing, advance and alchemy. While the songs are rich in soaring vocals, lyrics that inspire transformation, with wisdom and music that takes you on a journey, the true gift of the album is its vibrational offering.

Message From Artist
Anita Czoch - About


Great healing, alchemy and advance is offered to those who are willing to receive the sounds expressed as music in this package that is called an ‘album’ but is so much more. 

The vibrations expressed as words and sounds in this package are sourced from beyond the human realm; they come from our true home, which is Soul. They thus offer the opportunity to cut stagnation and protection, delusion and self-corruption, and reach into the core of the universe that is very much alive within you. 

This is a natural by-product, as afforded by the law of vibrational resonance, that occurs when you simply listen to the songs, which awaken and deepen you into the vast and infinite multidimensionality of what you really are. 

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